James Week 04

James: Christianity on Street Level

Sunday, August 06


01. Read James 2:14-26. What is so important about understanding “Justification by Faith” vs “Justification by Works” as the means of salvation? What is at stake if we get this doctrine wrong? 

02. The example James uses in verses 15-16 is quite extreme. What are some other examples that you can think of, where Christians behave like this? 

03. Review the three arguments from the sermon. What stands out to you about each one? How does each one help you understand faith and work?

04. The motivation for our obedience is just as important as our obedience. Rather than rush out to “do good works” in order to prove we have faith, we should run to Jesus and ask him to change our hearts. Why do you think we are so prone to do the first thing? 

05. How is the Spirit calling you to respond to this passage?