Jonah | Week 02

Sunday | February 27

Sunday, March 13


01. Reread Jonah 1. What aspects of Jonah’s life are interrupted? (Ex. values, beliefs, comfort, etc.) How do you handle life’s “interruptions”?

02. What are some of the ways God pursues Jonah in this passage? What are some of the ways God pursues us when we run from Him?

03. What are some possible reasons for Jonah to have fled from God? How does Jonah's experience relate to yours?

04. Jesus is our only source of true righteousness. We become self-righteous when we try to validate our worth through our strengths, relationships, position or actions. Read Philippians 3:1-11. What significance does faith play in gaining righteousness?

05. Read Matthew 12:38-41. How did Jesus prove himself to be the One greater than Jonah? How do the two compare? What does that mean for us as believers?