Fulfilled | Week 03

Sunday | February 27

Sunday, April 24


01. Do you like games with challenging instructions and rules, or games with simple instructions and few rules? Why?

02. Read Galatians 5:1-15. How had false teaching affected the Galatian church? How were the Galatian Christians to use their freedom?

03. How does Paul's warning translate to the church today? Do we put unnecessary rules/regulations on Christians today? Do we try to work out salvation in another way, apart from Christ? Do Christians "abuse" their freedom?

04. Paul says in verse 14, "For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself." How does the empty tomb show us love? How should it move us to love others?

05. How do we move from simply being inspired (knowledge-based) by the empty tomb, to being transformed (completely changed) by the empty tomb?