Fulfilled | Week 02

Sunday | February 27

Sunday, April 17


01. What do you like to predict? (i.e. Weather, Sports, Movie/TV Show outcomes, etc...) 

02. How do you feel when your predictions or hopes in life don't come to fruition? Read Luke 24:19-21. How do you think the two disciples felt that their hopes didn't become a reality?

03. What kept the disciples from seeing that Jesus was the fulfillment and fulfiller of all things? What keeps us from seeing Jesus as the fulfillment and fulfiller of all things?

04. What caused the hearts of the disciples to burn? How can we have that same experience?  

05. Share some examples of the things Jesus fulfilled in the Law of Moses, Prophets, and Psalms (Luke 24:44). (I.e. predictions/prophesies, events, symbols, people)

06. How does the resurrection give us an assured hope that our lives matter? What does it look like to live in light of the resurrection of Jesus? In our lives and as a response to this reality, what needs to change?